Europe — The Andy Steves Travel Podcast


S2 E5 - GOTHIC TOKYO: Around the Globe with La Carmina

S2 E5 - GOTHIC TOKYO: Around the Globe with La Carmina
Andy Steves

Listen in on this fascinating conversation between two travel entrepreneurs. Today, I have social media influencer, Carmina of on the show to talk about her style of travel--goth, subcultures, body mods, alternative fashion and more. She runs a website packed with information and tips for those looking for off-beat travel experiences. Carmina has collaborated on travel TV with ABC, National Geographic, Travel Channel, Andrew Zimmern and Anthony Bourdain (RIP). Our conversation ranges from Tokyo’s disciplinary Maid bars where you get slapped for misbehaving, to goth travel culture and pioneering space tourism.

References in the episode:
- Carmina's Website:
- Carmina's Instagram @lacarmina
- Read up on how LaCarmina saw a man getting his mouth sewn shut:

S2 E0 - S2 Preview, We're Back!

S2 E0 - Season 2 Preview
Andy Steves Travel Podcast

Episode Info

At long last, the Andy Steves Travel Podcast is on it’s way back and we’ve got some incredible guests in the line up this season. Thanks to everyone who has subscribed, shared and rated our podcast already. We’ve got a great traveling community growing around this show, and we want you involved! This season, we’re spanning continents, time periods, subjects and more as we drop all sorts of travel hacks and nuggets into your earbuds.

Just a taste of what’s coming up this season:

  • Smike Letwinsky shares his take on Budapest today and the modern backpacking and sex culture

  • Kamal Mukarkar joins the show and shares about life as a Palestinian Christian living just outside of Bethlehem in the West Bank

  • La Carmina calls in to talk about goth and alternative travel in Japan

  • Sgt. Julian Ponce and I catch up about life as a guard at the American Embassy in Budapest

  • Debbie Arcangeles gives insights and tips on how to make it as a digital nomad and social media influencer

And so much more! So be sure to subscribe and tell your friends and family to do the same!